At the moment, we provide three main Bible studies (and we are hopeful to expand in the future, as the desire and need for the proclamation of the Word increases). These three are our Adult Sunday School, our Sunday Night Bible Study, and our Wednesday Evening Bible Study.
Adult Sunday School: Our Adult Sunday School class is taught by members of our congregation that have demonstrated spiritual maturity and the giftedness of teaching. This study is presently working through the book of Hebrews; it is a glorious thing indeed to be able to see the shadows of the Old Testament that are pronouncing the light to come in Jesus Christ! God’s children are being blessed in the study of His Word!
Sunday Night Bible Study: Pastor Darick Jones leads our evening Bible study and there is a broad range of topics we will be examining. For the next few months, we will be doing a book study on “Scripture Alone” by Dr. James White, with the goal of further understanding the nature of Scripture as God’s inspired revelation to His people! This study can be challenging, but we hope it is a tremendous blessing to God’s people!
Wednesday Night Bible Study: For this study, we have been working through 1 Samuel (and will continue through 2 Samuel). This is much more discussion based than the other classes, with plenty of interaction and engagement with the text of Scripture and with one another. Pastor Darick Jones leads and facilitates the study and discussion. We hope this study can be a blessing to you!